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gt:VectorToRasterConverts some or all of a feature collection to a raster grid, using an attribute to specify cell values. View details Build process
gs:AddCoveragesReturns a raster generated by pixel-by-pixel addition of two source rasters. Source rasters must have the same bounding box and resolution. View details Build process
gs:AreaGridComputes a raster grid of given geographic extent with cell values equal to the area the cell represents on the surface of the earth. Area is computed using the EckertIV projection. View details Build process
gs:BarnesSurfaceUses Barnes Analysis to compute an interpolated surface over a set of irregular data points. View details Build process
gs:ContourComputes contour lines at specified intervals or levels for the values in a raster. View details Build process
gs:CropCoverageReturns the portion of a raster bounded by a given geometry. View details Build process
gs:GeorectifyCoverageGeorectifies a raster via Ground Control Points using gdal_warp View details Build process
gs:GetFullCoverageReturns a raster from the catalog, with optional filtering View details Build process
gs:HeatmapComputes a heatmap surface over a set of data points and outputs as a single-band raster. View details Build process
gs:ImportImports a feature collection into the catalog View details Build process
gs:MultiplyCoveragesReturns a raster generated by pixel-by-pixel multiplication of two source rasters. Source rasters must have the same bounding box and resolution. View details Build process
gs:PointStackerAggregates a collection of points over a grid into one point per grid cell. View details Build process
gs:PolygonExtractionExtracts vector polygons from a raster, based on regions which are equal or in given ranges View details Build process
gs:RangeLookupReclassifies a continous raster into integer values defined by a set of ranges View details Build process
gs:RasterAsPointCollectionReturns a collection of point features for the pixels of a raster. The band values are provided as attributes. View details Build process
gs:RasterZonalStatisticsComputes statistics for the distribution of a certain quantity in a set of polygonal zones. View details Build process
gs:ReprojectGeometryReprojects a given geometry into a supplied coordinate reference system. View details Build process
gs:ScaleCoverageReturns a scaled and translated version of a given raster View details Build process
gs:StoreCoverageStores a raster on the server. View details Build process
gs:StyleCoverageStyles a raster using a given SLD and raster symbolizer. View details Build process
JTS:interiorPointReturns a point that lies inside a geometry if possible, or that lies on its boundary. View details Build process
JTS:centroidReturns the geometric centroid of a geometry. Output is a single point. The centroid point may be located outside the geometry. View details Build process
JTS:polygonizePolygonizes a set of linestrings. The lines must be fully noded. View details Build process
JTS:splitPolygonSplits a polygon by a linestring View details Build process
JTS:lengthReturns the total length of all line segments in a geometry. Measurement is given in the source units, so geographic coordinates are not recommended. View details Build process
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